La communauté des lecteurs devrait faire la moitié du contenu

avril 22nd, 2008 by bruno boutot
I think the Times has to decide on radical reinvention, a new architecture. You can guess my starting points: a networked structure, a distributed strategy, a community plan. #

Jarvis rapelle qu’il a fait des suggestions au NYT le mois dernier et a repris des propos de Fred Wilson. En voici des extraits: #

The Times should create and sell quality collaborative networks and expand the brand around its value: reporting. (…) And it has to become the product of collaboration with networks and independent professionals and its audience. I agree with Fred Wilson here: “I’d make the NY Times all about their audience. Let the people who read the paper have a much larger role in the content that gets published, both online and offline. The best thing about the NY Times is their readers. The only way they can fix their problems is by leveraging them as the other half of their newsroom.” #

Malgré ces relents d’apocalypse, l’objectif n’est pas si difficile: rappelons que MetaFilter, qui génère 9,9 millions de pages vues par mois, n’est géré que par 4 personnes. En fait, par rapport aux enjeux énormes, les coûts d’une communauté sont minimes. C’est le saut culturel qui semble paralyser nos médias. #


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